After using both Word, and Docs to complete my exercises, I will say that both word and Docs are both excellent tools to use. In Google Docs you can collaborate with others for a project to see how far they are along with the project. I find it interesting to chat on there with others and to share ideas by online chatting instead of meeting face to face. This is good for college because in college, everyone is busy and don't have time to meet up with others. The cons with Docs, is with their formatting and they don't have as much functionality as Word does. But, I do know that Google Docs is trying to be a lot like word but they are still doing a good job. With word, it has a lot of functionality and since its not on a browser, it's more quicker and effective to use. With One-Drive you can save it to your own cloud and go back to it later. The cons will be not being able to chat with friends that are collaborating with you on a project, and it doesn't save automatically like Google Docs. The cons of not saving automatically is that if your computer shuts down suddenly, you will lose all of your work, and you will have to start it all over again.
Overall, by doing the exercises I didn't run into any issues. I've used both of them in the past, but I used Google Docs more than Word. So for Word, it took me some time to get used to while doing the exercises. I don't have a preference for using Docs or Word because both of them are the same exact thing, the only thing is that they are formatted differently. Docs has an online browser Word has its own app in the desktop.
For my students, I will recommend using Word, because Word is easier for little kids and its safer instead of leading them into the online world. I remember using word when I was in elementary school,but once I got to middle school and high school I started using Docs. Word doesn't have any tabs on top so little kids will not play by going on different websites and playing games. With Word, I think that kids will be more focused in class. I think by educators using Microsoft Word, it will be effective than using Google Docs for children at a younger age.
Thank you for reading my blog! Hope you find it enjoyable.
Kimberly, I think you bring up a good point about using Word as opposed to using Docs when it comes to teaching children, because when using Docs you have to go online. I really enjoyed reading your blog post! Great job!