Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Students searching the Internet in Classrooms

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When I am the teacher, I will consider students to be very open and positive to what they will search for on the Internet. But I will stay cautioned of what they will search for because if they search for something that comes up to be inappropriate, it will not make a good impression on them or myself. Teachers should be able to control what the students search on the Internet and not make it up for the younger students to do what they want on the Internet. It is important for teachers to tell what the students should search for and walk around the classroom to make sure that a student is not going on the website that they are not supposed to. I think that it is up to the teacher's responsibility if they are letting their students on the Internet, and searching up for information.

I will say that it will be a positive thing, because when younger students are researching on the Internet they can learn more things, and know what the Internet is like. It is easier to learn at an earlier age how to use the computer and utilize the Internet because when the students are older they can be able to search more efficiently and will not struggle with what not to search up on the internet.

The policies that I am aware at schools are blockers and how teachers can set up a system for themselves to see what students are doing on their computers. When I was in elementary, middle, and high school, anything that I searched up on the internet the school will know and my teachers, instead of walking around class, had a system to look at what the students are doing on the internet. Even though, students think that the policies are strict because they invade their privacy; it is important to know that these policies are secure to keep the students safe searching on the internet.

Some good solutions to this topic is an article that I found in Education Week. Even though it's a a little bit outdated, it presents good information on how to show and teach younger students how to effectively search the internet, for example, smart searching, and how educators can evaluate websites before letting their students access. Thank you for reading my blog and I hope that you will learn from reading my blog!

1 comment:

  1. I also feel that it should be a positive experience because they would be able to understand better than making it a negative concept. It was in middle school for me where I had blocked site where I could not go on to the site if I could remember elementary school and the computer system, but I believe that we did not have any at the time.

    I also agree that students should be able to research what the need for a project, but there are different ways where a teacher should step in just in case the site is inappropriate for the child.

    Claire Chambers
