Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Educational Technology in the Classroom

With the educational technology, that we have in the classroom, the hurdles that we have is when the internet is slow, and that technology has been steadily growing over the years. This means, sometimes that there are days, where the technology is not working right. In order to overcome these obstacles, we need to find alternates to use if our technology is not working right (i.e. smart boards, iPad  or tablets). Most teachers today use iPad for behavior management because it is easier to tally up the students instead of using Popsicle sticks to tally them up. Teachers are also using smart boards to teach math, to make it more interactive for the students to learn. But if the smart board is not working, then the teacher will have to go back to the old traditional chalkboard or whiteboard. In my opinion, most students would rather learn with technology because it is easier to remember and for the teacher, you won't have to clean the chalkboard or the whiteboard everyday. With these educational technology, I think that it is easier for the teacher to plan lessons and to teach them.

My own personal way of handling these hurdles is to have a backup everyday when I am planning my lessons. Depending on the lesson, I will copy papers and hand it out to the students, and I will teach the lesson on the board. This means that sometimes I will use whiteboards to teach the lesson or the smart board, depending on how the technology is. Honestly, in my classroom, I will have a lot of interactive learning, but not all the time with technology. I believe that using technology, getting the students to move around the classroom, and to make them learn by talking to others is good because it will benefit themselves when they are growing up by communicating with other people around them.

Thank you for reading my blog and hope you enjoyed it!  Also my Educational Technology Timeline is below it.


  1. Kimberly, I agree that teachers need to think of alternatives when technology is not working. I feel some teachers rely so heavily on it now a days, so it is always a great idea to have a plan b if it fails. Great blog by the way!

  2. I agree, I feel that there are positives and negatives to technology like sometimes they work and the next second it doesn't. Technology is a different then it was back then and relying on it all the time can become difficult.

    I agree that there should be lesson planning just incase the technical device takes a turn for the worse.
