Monday, April 17, 2017

Gamification, Yay or Nay?

Gamification is engaging others in problem solving, and to promote specific gains in learning by using badges; for example, Khan's Academy. Also Gamification can challenge students to solve real world problems such as hunger, poverty, climate change, and global peace. It is to challenge and promote learning with others, and to increase the level of involvement and motivation.

The important thing to understand while using Gamification in my classroom is to make sure that the games are fun, and match the topic of what I am teaching the students. Next, I need to make sure that the students should be engaged in the game, and depending on their grade level, give them a game that they should understand. I want to make Gamification, like a problem solving technique so I can see what the kids are thinking, so they can grow their mind, and understand the content of what they are learning.

The best example of Gamification, is Osmo. Osmo is the Gamification app that we used in class on the iPad. In my opinion, it is very interactive, and I liked how the character brings all of your drawings to life, and makes learning fun for the child. Osmo has a lot of games;for example, the shapes, the pizza, and the drawing game. My favorite one is the drawing because when I draw the picture, it will bring my drawing to life on the iPad. I found the characters cute, and I will definitely use Osmo in my classroom.

I think Gamification is good because it is like a game, but interactive with problem solving. It gives me a lot of interactive games so the students can play and learn with it. If I had this when I was younger, I will learn faster because I like learning when someone tells me how to do it instead of reading.
Thank you for reading my blog!

Image result for osmo

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

How Do Students Learn?

As a student, I've learned many different methods on how I need to learn something. For example, I learned three different methods such as Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. I learn best auditory because I can't learn something without hearing other people discuss about it or explain. Visual learning is a type of learning where you can remember something visually. Honestly, I can't remember something visually even if it is in a picture, and studying written words. I can't memorize when it's written but when it's said then I can remember it well. Kinesthetic is hands on learning;for example, in labs and exercising while studying. This seems pretty hard for me because when I am doing exercise, I can't study or concentrate on what I am doing. 

As a teacher, I should be able to know what my student's learning styles are, so I can help them in the best way I can. I think, I need to be more visual because being visual will help me become more creative and a better teacher. Being able to learn auditory will help me also because I will remember information better, and be able to relate it in meetings and instruction in my classroom.

In my opinion, humans need some type of motivation because it will help them work harder, and make them reach their goals. I know that, in my observation, students trade in Dojo points that they received from the end of the day for prizes and candy. My host teacher has a chart hanging on the board so that the students can work hard and behave to get Dojo points. I think, us as adults should have motivation because everyone has a bad day. Sometimes, you feel unmotivated for work and you need to something to work harder to get the reward. All humans are the same, and I believe that everyone should have some type of motivation to get the reward!

Thank you for reading my blog and watch the video below!